since I started making multiple iterations of the BurdaStyle Heidi dress, I’ve gotten lots of email about it. Some folks want recommendations on lining it, others want to know about fit issues, and still others are worried about the printing-it-out-and-taping-it-together part (don’t worry about that, it’s easy). No one, however, has written to me to say, “Erin, that’s a great dress and all, but you really need to add a lot more FISH.”
However, I knew that was what was in all of your hearts, so, behold:
I’ve had this fabric for a lot more than three YEARS. Obviously, it was biding its time, waiting for me to meet the dress that would be its destiny. and what a destiny that is:
I love the pixilated, dappled look of this fabric. several folks did not even notice the fish, when I wore it. So here, have a fish closeup:
And in case you were wondering, yes, this fabric IS nearly impossible to match to anything … I have four pairs of pink shoes (yeah, that’s a topic for another post) and NONE of them matched. (And I made this for a wedding — if you can’t wear pink shoes to a wedding, where can you wear pink shoes?) but I don’t care, because: FISH.
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The Heidi, now With a lot more FishMay 8, 2010With 36 comments
So What?December 10, 2008With 143 comments
But Can I measure Up?January 7, 2009